
What does IV hydration do for you?

Your body needs nutrients and vitamins to operate at its highest level. You replenish these needs through your daily diet. However, you are not likely reaching your full potential! 

The body is 80% water, we live in Arizona, evaporation and dehydration happen quickly! When your body is fully hydrated and filled with the beneficial vitamins and nutrients it needs, reaching your maximum potential is within your grasp! Feeling down, sluggish, foggy minded? These are all symptoms of dehydration and depleted vital resources. Get your body running at its greatest potential and you will find yourself rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever the world can throw your way! 

IV vitamin therapy rapidly rehydrates the body and provides an optimal level of vitamins infused with saline. Our Proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and IV fluids are infused directly into the blood stream, giving your cells rapid access to nutrients and hydration required for optimal health. This provides you with 100% rapid absorption due to bypassing the digestive system. Oral supplements must pass through the digestive tract causing you to only absorb about 15-20% of its value. IV hydration therapy is a minimally invasive and low risk service. Your IV will be administered by a licensed professional all while your relaxing in our spa like environment. 

What to expect

Good Faith Exam (GFE)

All clients are required to have a GFE prior to receiving services at Desert Body Bar. A GFE is a telehealth visit with a licensed medical practitioner (NP, PA, MD) who will evaluate your medical history, allergies, current state, and assure the service you requested is safe for you. A GFE is required annually. It is also required after any medical history changes or when a new type of service is requested. This exam is mandated by the state of Arizona to ensure your safety. Our GFE fee is $9.99. One of the benefits of membership with Desert Body Bar is your annual GFE is covered! You can inquire about all of our membership benefits with any of our staff. 

What is NAD+

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) occurs naturally in the body and helps to support healthy mitochondrial function of the cells. Mitochondria produce energy for the cells, and by extension are critical for total body energy. Although NAD+ is naturally occurring in our bodies, the level drops significantly as we get older. A leading theory of aging is that the mitochondria degrade as we get older. It’s been theorized that supplementing NAD may affect normal aging in a favorable manner by improving mental clarity, improving concentration and memory, enhancing energy, reducing fatigue, and countering the effects of Neurodegeneration, including Alzheimer’s Disease. NAD+ can be given subcutaneous or via IV. Consultation with an RN is required prior to IV NAD+. 

Studies show the use of NAD+ can help with the following:

  • Improve energy, mental clarity, and alertness
  • Anti-aging effects
  • DNA repair
  • Improved memory 
  • Enhanced athletic performance and muscle function
  • Regulation of circadian rhythms and sleep
  • Weight loss and appetite 
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Improved immune function

Whole Body Wellness

Give your body the nutrients it needs to achieve your optimal wellness. 

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